Jbb 2277 Event Litescape Media 1Jbb 2277 Event Litescape Media 1
©Jbb 2277 Event Litescape Media 1|Jean-Baptiste Bieuville


Portes du Soleil presents Rock the Pistes Festival.
Repeatedly copied but never equalled, Rock the Pistes is the pioneer of mountain festivals, the only one where the concerts actually take place on the slopes.
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Presentation file

Rock the Pistes

The adventure began in 2011, when it was the Festival des Concerts
Sauvages. 100 spectators at the 1st concert: today there are over 5,000 in front of each stage!
each stage! The concept is as effective as ever: ephemeral stages in the ski area
live concerts accessible only on skis.

To write to us
